Scientific work

Scientific directions of the department:
1. "Forensic toxicology"
2. "Forensic Traumatology"
3. "Forensic dermatoglyphics"

Protected theses for the last 3 years:
1. Кhwan Oleg Innokentievich
Subject: Forensic medical evaluation of injuries of the abdominal cavity organs and the Zazryryushin space
Defense of the thesis was held on February 2, 2017 at a meeting of the Scientific Council on July 16, 2013, Tib. 17.03 at the Tashkent Medical Academy

2. Ruziev Sherzod Ibodullaevich
Subject: Expert evaluation of dermatoglyphics in diabetes mellitus
The defense of the thesis took place on February 9, 2017 at the meeting of the Scientific Council on July 16, 2013, Teb.17.03 at the Tashkent Medical Academy

In 2018, 15 articles and abstracts were published
Head of the department Iskandarov A.I. and assistant Hwan O.I. took part in an international symposium on forensic science, which was held in the USA in Seattle on February 19-24, 2018.



Assistant of the Chair of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law Hwan O. and doctoral student Nadzhimitdinov SB took part in scientific reports at the XVIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGIES RUSSIA-KOREA-CIS, which was held in Moscow on August 26-28. 2018.




Currently, 3 master's degrees are trained at the department 2 years of study and 1 master's 1 year of education. Masters of the 2nd course have already written their master's dissertations and are preparing for their defense. Masters of the 1st course approved their subjects and are actively engaged in scientific work.
There are 3 scientific works at the department:
Najimitdinov S.B. - doctoral student of basic doctoral studies (PhD) 3 years of study:
Theme of the thesis: "Forensic medical evaluation of poisoning with ethyl alcohol and its surrogates" In September 2017, the following doctor's degrees were enrolled:
Salikhov S.S. - Applicant of the department of 1 year of basic doctoral studies (PhD) Theme of the thesis: "Expert evaluation of the mechanism of craniocerebral injury with combined injuries"
Shamsiev A.Ya. - doctoral candidate of the department for 1 year of basic doctoral studies (PhD) Theme of the thesis: "Expert evaluation of dermatoglyphic markers in identification of personality and propensity to suicide and drug addiction"

Database of recommended subjects of master disseration for 2014/2015 academic year of chair of Forensic medicine and the medical right
1 . Forensic medical examination of sharp poisonings with substitutes of ethyl alcohol
2 . Expert assessment of poisonings with medicines (clonidine)
3 . Patomorfoz of poisonings with ethyl alcohol
4 . Possibilities of iridology in medicolegal and clinical practice
5 . Medicolegal assessment of predisposition to a suicide
6 . Medicolegal assessment of predisposition to drug addiction
7 . Features of determination of severity of injuries at basin damages
8 . Medicolegal assessment of defects of rendering medical care at injuries
9 . A forensic assessment of morphological changes of lungs in sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
10. Determine the severity of the fractures of the tubular bones in children
11. A forensic assessment of the damage to the eye
12. The forensic evaluation of poisoning diet drugs with alcohol
13. A forensic assessment of severe craniocerebral trauma in children
14. Tazesi determining when non-fatal acute poisoning by carbon monoxide

Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

Article 4

Article 5

Article 6

Article 7